Reform 3

TEACHING STANDARDS: Explicitly outline the skills and knowledge required by teachers in standards which are linked to accreditation for both pre-service and in-service teachers

The Australian Professional Standards for Teachers, developed by the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), serve as the regulatory framework for teachers' ITE, professional learning, practice, and engagement.

They set out the requirements for the accreditation of all ITE programs. They also outline the key elements of quality teaching across four career stages: Graduate, Proficient, Highly Accomplished, and Lead.

These standards define what constitutes teacher quality and provide a framework for knowledge, practice, and professional engagement throughout teachers' careers. Graduating from an accredited ITE course and achieving both provisional and full registration requires a demonstration of meeting the teacher standards.

The standards were approved over a decade ago and it would be timely to revise them in consultation with experts in reading instruction and intervention to ensure they are specific enough about evidence-based teaching strategies.